It is obvious that providing food to our fish is needed for them to survive; however, there are significant differences between the various types of foods that we can choose to feed them. These differences are basically due to the different eating habits of each species.
Due to their dietary preferences, fish can be carnivorous, herbivorous or omnivorous and the composition or formula of the food is based on these habits or preferences; however, due to the position of their mouth, type of dentition and body shape, among other factors, there are species that prefer to feed on the surface, while others choose to eat in intermediate waters, while others represent the extreme case, preferring food at the bottom of the aquarium. In addition, there are some species that do not care where the food is located, taking it indistinctly from the bottom or from the surface.
Currently, Biomaa has an extensive variety of food for ornamental fish that covers many of the food particularities. Due to this, we have foods of general use, such as flakes, which are accepted by numerous species; floating and slow-sinking pellets and "tubes" to meet various nutritional needs and fast-sinking foods for fish whose feeding habits and anatomical structure prefer to feed on the bottom.