
Media Publications

Part of the interest of the Biomaa brand in the pet world includes the dissemination of accurate information.

As is the case with products intended for pets, much of the literature regarding the
care of them and their illnesses has come from abroad, leaving a handful
of locally published articles available to enthusiasts, initially scarce.
This had a direct impact on the quality of life of the pets and the correct care
of their conditions outside veterinary recommendations.


Magazine Articles

As an active part of the world of aquariums and pets, the Biomaa brand has put
their voice on various issues of interest and driven by a sense of community duty, 
we began to collaborate with articles in magazines dedicated to the aquarium hobby and 
exotic pets to clearly spread our offerings and their benefits, but also to inform and raise
awareness among pet owners and the type of care the animals need, as well as alarm
flags to help them identify health problems and therefore offer timely attention to them, 
especially those diseases that could compromise the lives of pets.



Exhibitions and Conferences

This in turn led to talks and presentations at various events for pets,
thus giving the company a reputation as a serious and truthfulin the management of information
specialized in the universe of aquariums and pets.



We seek the well-being of your pets through products and services that exceed customer expectations.

Only the Best
for your Pets

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