
More Product Lines

Understanding the diversity needs of the market, we extended our product lines to serve more segments.

With an already established market and customer recognition on the quality of our products,
we took on the task of working on more specialized products within the framework of the
aquarium hobby, mainly with food.
Since the end of the previous decade, the vision of a line of dry foods for aquariums began to take shape
finalizing in the first years of the new millennium.


Extruded Food (Pellets)

During the first half of 2001, a new batch of floating fish pellets, with different sinking properties, was
added to the catalog allowing us to offer specialized products and feeding a greater diversity of
ornamental fish.
The first products to be incorporated into the Biomaa catalog were those with rapid sinking properties
for bottom fish starting with Pleco Sticks and soon joined by other big mainstays like Koi Pond Sticks
and Golden Bites.


Bettabit & Betta-Safe 

In May of that year, the special food for Betta fish came out for the first time; Bettabit with great
acceptance from the public, thus managing to offer an accessible and useful solution to the owners
of such splendid fish. A couple of years later we completed the offer for complete care for this
pet with a specialized conditioner: Betta-Safe.

Specialized Flakes

As we entered the second half of the decade, we set about the task of generating a new technology
with our own R&D giving us the opportunity to present new formulas for different diets of ornamental
fish, resulting in a line of specialized flakes.
Golden Flakes being one of the first products launched in this project, as well as Ciclix Alliflakes. With
time, these products would be positioned under the names of Goldfish Flakes and Garlic Flakes respectively.

We seek the well-being of your pets through products and services that exceed customer expectations.

Only the Best
for your Pets

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